Saturday, July 6, 2019

glints of

I've given up trying to take photos of full moons, fireflies, and fireworks; thankfully, there are many images taken with professional cameras, so I can have images of all of those magical things.

While it is almost too sultry to get a full breath, I am loving the cicadas and fireflies of southern Julys. And I have a new appreciation for whomever invented ceiling fans.

"the world is not respectable;
 it is mortal, tormented, confused, deluded forever;
 but it is shot through with beauty, 
with love, 
with glints of courage and laughter; 
and in these, 
the spirit blooms."

~George Santayana


  1. Yes, you really have to have EQUIPMENT to get good pics of the aforementioned. We have maybe one or two good pictures from the July we were in VA years ago. It was indeed magical - and crazy hard to go indoors (even though there were also moggies out and about).

    1. They pretty much have to be seen in person to be believed.
