Friday, July 5, 2019

day trippin'

Took la maman on a belated Mother's Day outing to Alexandria. We wandered through the waterfront and the Torpedo Art Factory. 

A sumptuous silk quilt; completely not needed on this day where the humidity almost outstrips the temps.

The flower baskets were flourishing, even if we weren't.

Alexandria's courthouse finally has a new roof, it's been under construction since I visited with Trinity students in 2016. 

Back to my fav Vietnamese place for lemongrass chickens.

Stripy umbrellas, light house tower and glass lanterns~while I've not been to Nantucket (yet), this restaurant makes me think of it. 


  1. Is that first thing glass art? Sea horses? Winged faeries? It also looks like one of those gel candles...

  2. Thank you for a fun outing, even if is was hot!

    1. You're welcome~it will be better in the autumn!
