Saturday, August 2, 2014

sweet life

My little genius (no, seriously~this is the child who gave me a lecture on air molecules during the first lesson) composed me a farewell song yesterday.  He played it several times, adding triplets and 7ths and all manner of flourishes.  I will miss a handful of my studio students~the rest?  A huge relief to say buh-bye.

A little transition time between jobs (something like 48 hours) is taking me to the beach~my first time to dip my toes in the Texan 'ocean'.  Stay tuned for a report.


  1. I hope that's an autographed copy...could be worth millions someday!

    1. No, but I'm sure we can lift fingerprints off of it and have the proof!

  2. Hope there's a possibility of keeping this guy when you get your new studio. Quirky and fun people should be kept at all costs.
