Tuesday, March 31, 2015

my chickadees

did me proud on Saturday.  Despite gathering at 5:30 a.m. and NOT having a chance to rehearse in the chapel space, we came home with a gold rating!

On week 8 of the spring musical rehearsals~tomorrow night is dress rehearsal and then we disperse for Easter break and return to run the show.  While it has been (mostly) fun, I shall be DEEPLY glad to resume the normal life schedule in a couple of weeks.


  1. Good for you guys, and how stylish and neat everyone looks in that gaudy grand cathedral!

    1. Yes, the blaring WHITE watches escaped my noticed until I saw this photo. Oy. Next year. There will be uniforms. !!

  2. Congratulations, Laurie - you have pulled off a first-rate production. I know from Tim's wife Laura something of the energy and planning invested in stellar results. Hang in there for the rest of the ride. It will be a sad day for this school should you decide to follow your dreams elsewhere!
