Sunday, March 6, 2016


We've been having some gorgeous twilights 'round here lately.

I generally cook a large pot of beans each week~a friend just introduced me to these festive ones.  I look forward to tasting them.

So much going on inwardly right now~it's interesting to see how it manifests in the physical world.  While I've always been a fan of GW/vintage shops, it may be because I started shopping there for opera costumes and not because I needed school clothes in the 4th grade.  And don't we all love the clean energy and the purge and of the closet or junk drawer?  I am beginning to discover that as soon as I let go of something, something else~often even better~arrives.

This happened this week when a friend called and said that she had bags of clothes she had culled from her closet.  I was just commenting that my wardrobe didn't fit who I was any more and I wasn't in a place to simply go and replace my closet.  And within a few hours?  I have several new pieces of clothing!

In the continued theme of letting go and receiving~after dropping a bag of books off, I found this complete set of a Bananagram (just another way to market Scrabble tiles) in one of the community book exchange boxes in my 'hood.

Swirls of good things happening.


  1. Ooh, fun new clothes; I am so hopeful that you have some great new things. ThredUp has continued to be fun for me, and it's exhilarating to just give away old things that aren't quite right.

    Freecycle is also a great place to get games. Just before Thanksgiving I got some great ones I'd never heard of, including Would You Rather... which is just a series of yet more ridiculous suppositions. It's fun just to read aloud.

    Hope you enjoy the beans; we tried adzuki beans and found them quite enjoyable. They're supposed to be good for all kinds of things, including specific organs, according to Eastern medicine, and for lowering bp/blood sugar, etc. Miracle foods.

    1. Yes! It's astounding what a lot of variety can be incorporated with just a few shirts and a sweater.

      I've been eating mung beans like crazy lately for their cooling properties, so we'll see what these do.
