Wednesday, June 19, 2019

the caring of coffee

A kind student wanted me to try his version of Turkish coffee, so I found this carafe on my desk this morning. Little did I know how much I would need this high-octane beverage to power through the day. 

Did I mention the other admin is on vacay this week? And we're in the process of hiring a few new teachers and we're getting a flood of summer students. All good things, but a whole lotta paperwork and logistics.

But, it does beat those super quiet days. So, that's my joy for this day.


  1. Yeah for being busy vs. partly employed! Guess administering includes hiring/firing? Sounds you also teach?

  2. Normally I have nothing to do with HR, but the admin who covers that is out for awhile.

    And yes, I teach/tutor on the side right now.

  3. So, how was that coffee? Is the sugar level astronomical?

    1. The student knows I don't put sugar in my drinks, so it was pure darkness of caffeine!
