Tuesday, August 19, 2014


 The partially re-constructed classroom.

 The, may I say STUNNING, view from my desk!

The other angle from my desk.  Off to buy bulletin board supplies and candy for first day ice-breaker games (and yes, it will be nut-free, gluten-free, sugar-free and basically fun-free sweets.)


  1. The many, many, many drums are worrisome...

    Also, ease up on the sugar-free snark, as I sit here spooning my lovely almond-flour dark chocolate brownie into my sugar-free chocolate pud, I am PRETTY DARNED HAPPY.

    1. :) Yes and I have time to zip to a market that sells specialty flours....and oh, WAIT. It's 107 and the oven will not be lit this week.

  2. No sugar? Who's allergic to sugar?

    1. Not allergies, just generally try to hype up students on sugar. Unless it's the half-day prior to break~then, we load them up!

  3. Replies
    1. It's gorgeous~I know I ought to lower the shades to help with the a/c, but it is just so nice.


  4. The Layers
    Stanley Kunitz, 1905 - 2006

    I have walked through many lives,
    some of them my own,
    and I am not who I was,
    though some principle of being
    abides, from which I struggle
    not to stray.
    When I look behind,
    as I am compelled to look
    before I can gather strength
    to proceed on my journey,
    I see the milestones dwindling
    toward the horizon
    and the slow fires trailing
    from the abandoned camp-sites,
    over which scavenger angels
    wheel on heavy wings.
    Oh, I have made myself a tribe
    out of my true affections,
    and my tribe is scattered!
    How shall the heart be reconciled
    to its feast of losses?
    In a rising wind
    the manic dust of my friends,
    those who fell along the way,
    bitterly stings my face.
    Yet I turn, I turn,
    exulting somewhat,
    with my will intact to go
    wherever I need to go,
    and every stone on the road
    precious to me.
    In my darkest night,
    when the moon was covered
    and I roamed through wreckage,
    a nimbus-clouded voice
    directed me:
    “Live in the layers,
    not on the litter.”
    Though I lack the art
    to decipher it,
    no doubt the next chapter
    in my book of transformations
    is already written.
    I am not done with my changes.

    From The Collected Poems by Stanley Kunitz (W. W. Norton, 2000). Copyright © 1978 by Stanley Kunitz. Used by permission of W. W. Norton.

    1. Lovely....and I'm so tired that I read 'Live in the layers (and thought 'hens') and not in the glitter. And I thought~wayyyyy too late~there is already much glitter in my room.
