Wednesday, December 4, 2019

tis the season of something

When your festive cookie cutters are giving you the side eye with a baleful 'tude and you're too tired to be bothered with cookies? Cute eggs for breakfast is the answer!

A student returned from a visit home to Mexico and brought us all little bottle of quince magic. With the day it was at work, be amazed that it's still sealed. Reading some poetry tonight with dinner and found one of my seasonal favs:

A little girl is singing for the faithful to come ye
Joyful and triumphant, a song she loves,
And also the partridge in a pear tree
And the golden rings and the turtle doves.
In the dark streets, red lights and green and blue
Where the faithful live, some joyful, some troubled,
Enduring the cold and also the flu,
Taking the garbage out and keeping the sidewalk shoveled.
Not much triumph going on here—and yet
There is much we do not understand.
And my hopes and fears are met
In this small singer holding onto my hand.
           Onward we go, faithfully, into the dark
           And are there angels hovering overhead? Hark.

"December" by Gary Johnson. Used with permission of the poet.

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