Friday, January 3, 2014

surprise yourself


  1. Lovely - be creative and surprise even yourself. For the first time on your blog I'll share a poem I read for the first time tonight that moved me. BTW I have always written in some form or other and still do - not much published. Here's one by David Whyte:

    I want to write about faith,
    about the way the moon rises
    over cold snows, night after night,
    faithful even as it fades from fullness,
    slowly becoming that last curving and impossible
    sliver of light before the final darkness.
    But I have no faith in myself.
    I refuse it the smallest entry.
    Let this then, my small poem,
    like a new moon, slender and barely open,
    be the first prayer that opens me to faith.

    1. what gorgeous imagery/metaphor~thanks for posting this!

  2. My goodness, that's a lovely Whyte poem, and the Gaiman quote isn't half bad, either.

    1. Both are worth posting somewhere around the house.
