Tuesday, February 10, 2015

glitters and sparkles

I would say by the amount of grinning and confetti in the classroom carpet, the ending of this trimester is a smash.  

Our boss's boss said last week that good education is messy~perhaps she meant it in a philosophical bent, but we ran with it in a physical sense.

I got an email from the head of grounds/maintenance saying to not paint in my classroom as "it is expensive carpet".  Too bad it was after our project.  And may I say that my 5th grade did not spill ANY paint?  (There was an unfortunate dropping of a cup of glitter....but we're calling that fairly dust from Mozart's magical flute.)


  1. The wee girl with the feathers on her masque is going to be tall, I'll bet. This must still be spirit week, because ...is she wearing a cape?!

    Gotta love all the originality, all across the board.

    1. Yes, her twin 8th grade siblings are quite tall!

      And yes, as the kids aren't hyped up enough with VD candy and our big Grandparents' Day visitation and musical auditions and the end of a term~LET'S add Spirit Week to the mixture.

  2. Messy creativity has put smiles on faces and yielded great results. Good job, Laurie!

    1. Yes, I have a hunch that I will have to repeat this project with the next batch of 5th graders headed my way next week!
