Wednesday, February 11, 2015


After the 6th grade attempted to pass their jazz listening final, they got to eat doughnuts and kolaches (big thing in Texas) and swing dance.

Another long day of musical call-backs, but at least I had a pretty sky to watch while sitting in evening traffic.


  1. Glad for each success and moment of joy as you skilfully teach and inspire your students.

    1. I will say these (for the most part) are eager and engaged students!

  2. do you get them to dance?
    Do you tell them they're being graded on it?
    Do you give them lessons?
    Or, is it just, you know, another Texan thing? Because every junior high kid with whom *I* have experience stands around in a little clump when there's dance music, and awkwardly looks around like, "What do I do now?"

  3. I task a couple of students to show them a basic swing step (and it helps that many of these kids have cotillion training). AND I allow them to dance with the same gender~that relieves most of the awkward. Also? They don't get snacks until three songs have passed! It also helps that Austin is a city that dances everywhere.
