Tuesday, February 3, 2015

is it Spring Break yet?

Between endless (inane) faculty meetings, writing grade narratives for 167 students (FOUR per student~two praises and two areas for growth), rehearsing for a big Grandparents' Day performance, spring musical auditions, (and for some reason, I am the 7th grade reading specialist and have to test the entire grade level three times per year), and oh yes~just teaching my normal load?????   My brain and soul are feeling a teeny bit in need of respite.  

So grateful that we are days away from a nice long weekend.


  1. I just got a note from my other teacher friend asking if it was summer yet.

    Meanwhile, she introduced me to http://holyclothing.com - she gets her summery frocks from there, which are meant to just LOOK dressed up, but are really night gowns. It's all about the barefoot-and-barely-dressed post-school thing.

    1. Ooooo~very nice!

      And the kids are exhausted too. When a 12-yo is worn out? You know it's time for a break.
