Tuesday, May 8, 2018

dollars to doughnuts

is such a strange saying. But today, some doughnuts appeared during lunch for Teacher Appreciation. While it was a nice gesture, none of us teachers ate any. Empty calories of chain sugar/grease just aren't appealing. 

How ungrateful do I sound??

What I am grateful for~are the myriad teachers who have taught me and who have taught beside me~my life is rich with the stellar energies and creative stamina of these educators.


  1. It's not ungrateful to simply choose which calories you're going to consume. Everyone has the right to decide what splurges they'll enjoy, and which ones they'll pass on in order to eat what they actually WANT. If it's going to be sugar, make it the sugar you really want, not just stupid carbs.

    I have decided I'm never eating doughnuts again, frankly. If it's not a cookie Tech Boy has made, or one of my pies, why bother? (Exceptions made for monthly Bad Eating Choices when who knows what will be scarfed down.)

  2. Exactly. If it were a gorgeous Danish, then I would consume it all. It felt like an elementary school level sort of gift~not that we necessarily want kale.

    Anyway. The gesture was nice. (And I still have truffles from last week!!)
