Saturday, September 28, 2013

of buzzards & such

Not so pleasant as the butterflies and the fawns that are usually out/about.  I'll spare the details of what they were doing as I walked passed.

Photographic proof of a tinge of colour changing!  It was in the 90s today and will be all next week.  Certainly am getting my money's worth out of the summer wardrobe.

Still discovering new wildflowers.  Thinking that I ought to take a class next spring on all the wildflowers of this region.


  1. They look a wee bit like something coming from bulbs up through the dead winter soil... except for the lighting, which is all wrong. Weird.

    1. That was my thought! "These look as though they ought to be next to the crocus pushing up through the snow."

      Plus, it was 93 degrees out.
