Sunday, September 22, 2013

seasonal shift

 A glorious autumnal day~clear skies and 80 degrees.

 I wasn't the only one blissed out by the return of the sunshine.

A slant of light upon the first batch of caramel.

I thought sparkles on the water were the happiest kind, but I think that the browned butter goodness of caramel sparkles are right up there.

 Have never seen a silver mantis before, but this one has been hanging around my front door.  As the porch light turns my entryway into bug-palooza nightly, he's quite welcome.  Even if he looks freakishly spray painted.

And then!  My pleasant afternoon was squelched by this arrival in the mail.  Couldn't even shrug it off as mail addressed to 'Current Resident'.  ACK.


  1. Forget the apple-- just eat the caramel!
    We had our first rain of the season yesterday for several hours. Looks clear this morning.

    1. The apples were needed as the caramel turned out too salty. I may try it on popcorn tonight!

  2. What???? How do you qualify for AARP? I don't think they've bestowed a membership on me yet.

  3. Don't take it personally. My friend's nine year old daughter was invited to join. NINE. Years. Old.

    The collective AARP senility makes them forget how old everyone is...

    1. That cheers me up a bit. My only guess is that I have been talking with a company about setting up a retirement account as an independent contractor~thought perhaps that triggered the good folks in the subscription office.
