Tuesday, June 17, 2014

bwa-ha-ha~for all the music teachers out there~or any parents who have endured this 734 times...

As I have BANNED this from my studio, I about cried during this clip.  Enjoy.


  1. Welp, thanks for giving me this anyway - the plot is REEEEEEEEEEEEALLLY thin in this, it seems. I mean, I know I'm taking that point from watching this, but those are the types of things I always notice in movies, the stupid things -- like people who make out in the face of danger (because I MUST kiss you nooooooow), people who stop and have a song and dance routine in the middle of chores they say they have to finish on pain of pain (Cinderella? Looking at you), and people who have Meaningful Relationship Conversations in the pulse-pounding midst of, oh, searching for a lost child or something -- really!? So, I can see this is one I'd want to skip anyway, but now for even MORE reasons! Also, as lovely as all the singing is, I still find Disney musical voices shrill - the best voices I think were STILL way back in "American Tale."

    1. There was no plot. The only redeeming things were the opening choral piece and the very funny snowman. And agreed with the good voices from the ancient tale :)
