Friday, June 27, 2014

June Joys

Joys~the sun was out and I was not at work and could enjoy a hefty urban hike this morning.

And just as quickly, it wasn't.  But I made it home prior to the deluge.

Perhaps it's time to splurge on a new pair of socks?  And perhaps this seems like an odd joy, but I am happy to live anywhere where I can walk outside on a daily basis.

And finally!!  My little pepper plant has decided that it has been long enough between blossom time and put out the first wee pepper this morning.


  1. My strawberries have finally forgiven me for transplanting them - I have TWO! Joy indeed...

    Man, if I'd thought of socks...

    1. Still contemplating the placement of my seashells. Think I'll do a row at sea level along the tub's edge.
