Tuesday, September 30, 2014

the turn of a page

Have ZERO idea of how we're toasting a new page of the calendar, but in a few hours it will be October.  And 'rabbit, rabbit' to those of you reading this as the page actually turns~you know who you are.

Wish this came with scent as I lighted my new caramel votive to welcome the changes that are a-comin'.


  1. ooh, pretty Sofia soda! I have a very young friend who is now learning to recognize her name (which is spelt exactly so) who would love one of those.

    1. It's champagne, so don't know how much sparkle she might need at present!

  2. Didn't read the page until way after midnight--2 days to be exact!

  3. I think it still counts as it was published by midnight.
