Saturday, July 29, 2017

"I enjoy being a girl"

The sheer utter cuteness of the four cousins upon their first meeting just...yeah.

Wish I were there.

Always mindful of the 'gather ye rosebuds while ye may'.

Bright shiny penny and free perfume sample at the fabled StoneRidge Mall this week.

Fun make-up purse and many, many lipsticks from a friend to remind me that beauty is always an option.


  1. What a beautiful set of siblings and cousins to be aunt for and to have as grandchildren (Loren and Emily). Glad you had yet another adventure this weekend, Laurie. You and Allie will have to stick together in the girlie department.

  2. (How did I have no idea your mother's name was Emily? I guess because I never have really spoken to her other than smile/nod... but your Dad introduced himself. Anyway! I digress.)

    Those are some Gap catalog looking relatives you have there, girlie.

    1. You probably were officially introduced in...1991? So, it's been a few years.
