Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Was ist Das??

My eyes! They hurt! The pupils no longer constrict. What is this brightness???

Pleased to say that I introduced a new class to the joys of Scrabble.


  1. Always surprised at the sun when it shines here. As for your students, they are more fortunate than they know. What are you looking for in employment?

    1. I'm lucky as well~my students are so interesting!

      ANYTHING with a salary and benefits~I'd like to go to the dentist. And get new glasses. And pay my rent without stressing. Not at all picky about what I do for that!

  2. Your requirements are reasonable and necessary! Tim's wife Laura, with all the money she makes doing music in numerous venues, did not qualify for health or vacation benefits. Tim, doing a job he takes no joy in, has allowed for benefits/second vehicle/buying a house.
