Tuesday, May 28, 2019

screaming goats

A beautiful little moon cake from a student~while I generally love all things pastry, have never really warmed to the concept of sweet black beans. But, the gesture was appreciated.

While I know it's been around for a few hundred years or so, I've discovered pickling is the perfect thing to do with veg that I can't eat before it turns. Currently, I'm just doing a simply vinegar brine, but will soon branch out into peppery and garlic sorts of brines.

Delighted to get a butterfly sticker in the mail.

Started a rock painting project with my Littles this weekend and got to the second layer tonight. My middle niece introduced me to the latest Grinch movie (yes, why not watch a Christmas classic when the humidity is laying the entire region into limpness?) If you haven't seen it, all I can say is "screaming goat". While it's probably only 30 seconds of the entire movie I've been laughing for two days over it. And yes, the movie is actually quite good and worth seeing.


  1. I've heard the goat, but haven't seen the film.
    Your rocks are adorbs! I'm always trying to FIND rocks that are flat enough to paint; for some reason mine are either jagged or too round.

    I've been looking at making crafts with plastic straws, since we're moving to metal/glass/paper/bamboo ones. I'm trying to make flowers... and I've so far glued the entire project to the table.

    Starting over... well, after I unpack elsewhere. sheesh.

    1. Hahaha. Now you'll have a permanent centerpiece! You can simply spray paint them according to the season or festivity.

      Go to a garden supply center (or filch them from a parking lot).

    2. Also, I'm trying to like sweet red beans, too. And sweetened boiled eggs, but... nope. There are some aspects of Asian food that work for me more than others!
