Saturday, March 2, 2013

red, white, blue

Moon set and sun rise is certainly a gorgeous visual if I have to be up this early.   And with a little photo editing, you cannot see the crack trailer and Confederate flag just on the left side of the picture.  

Haven't seen frost on my little car in many many months.

Found a literal $.02.

As it was Texas Independence Day (no, this is an old/historical one, we haven't left the Union. Yet.), the students were allowed to be out of uniform.  Don't know if there's anything cuter than a 5-year-old cowboy with a little drawl.

As I said on my first day in Texas, I thought it was a requirement to live here that one has to fly the state flag.  I love the simple elegance of this flag and I have a feeling that I will always associate it with bright sunny days.

Have always enjoyed geography and flags and as I sat at various stoplights this afternoon, I realized that all my life flags--ancestral, current country and state are red, white and blue.

So with that profound thought, I shall leave you to enjoy your beautiful Saturday as I'm off for BookPeople's birthday party for Dr. Seuss.


  1. I literally have no brain cells this morning, so just leaving a comment to say I read your blog! :)

  2. Many Americanos don't know that the Union Jack is made up of St. Andrews' cross (the most important one ☺), St. George's and St. Patrick's - so apparently the red, white, and blue thing goes even further along.

    I noted you missed the Italian flag...

    1. Not Italian and haven't lived there. As of yet!
