Friday, December 6, 2013

to believe only what can be proven

I looked up and there it was
among the green branches of the pitch pines—

thick bird,
a ruffle of fire trailing over the shoulders and down the back—

color of copper, iron, bronze—
lighting up the dark branches of the pine.

What misery to be afraid of death.
What wretchedness, to believe only in what can be proven.

When I made a little sound
it looked at me, then it looked past me.

Then it rose, the wings enormous and opulent,
and, as I said, wreathed in fire.

"I Looked Up" by Mary Oliver, from Owls and Other Fantasies. © Beacon Press, 2003.


  1. I have only ever seen a cardinal in the summertime in Virginia, but it was stunning nonetheless. I someday would like to see one against snow. (But, from indoors, where the snow wouldn't be against me.)

    Love some Mary Oliver.

    1. There are so many here~as well as other colorful birds, but I've yet to catch one on film. Or a non-blurred one!

  2. Is there only one book of Mary Oliver's poetry? Stunning!

    1. No, I believe that she has something close to 30 books of poetry published. I got to hear her read at Seattle University a couple of years ago~what a treat!!
