Sunday, December 22, 2013

take my hand, I'll teach you to dance

The Broken Spoke has been on my must-do list since I moved to Austin and last night, I finally got to learn how to Texas Two Step.

SO. Much. Fun.  
And great exercise to boot~please notice the bad Western pun there.

This place offers an hour dance lesson and then whichever band is playing comes out and then, it must be said, the joint really starts jumpin'.   Was lucky enough to also finally hear The Derailers live.  V. fun band.

And then the owner of the place sang a song~and when he finished, he came over and shook my hand.  A most excellent way to kick of my vacay.


  1. Sounds so fun! Jealous, and glad you got to do this. Now we need photos of you doing the two-step. :-)

  2. So cool! I haven't braved the dance hall, but I can only imagine it to be a rather epic space to experience.

    1. When I return, we're going! It is too much fun.

  3. Certainly think video and audio would enhance our view of your experience - and I love puns! (Yes, I did notice it.) Bet it was a lotta fun.

  4. Well, a Texas two-step is basically... like, a half waltz, yes? I mean, you just do the two steps instead of four...?

    I keep threatening D. that we're going back to ballroom lessons. He feels threatened. :D

    1. Oddly, it's comprised of five steps & as many twirls as your partner wants. But I'm hooked.
