Saturday, August 10, 2019


While I do have a pretty office in which to sit, after five days of buzzing fluorescent lights, one needs to escape into something more natural. So, I popped into Meadowlark on my way home and was enchanted by the flocks (? somehow that sounds too sturdy for butterflies) of flitterings.

Hard to tell the scale of these two photos, but the artichokes and these skyscraper waterlilies were the size of cantaloupe. I have no idea how the stems were strong enough to hold the water flowers up.

Showerhead flower.


& tada~I finally captured their open wings.

A hibiscus the size of my head.

And another interesting wall garden.


  1. Joyfully, a gathering of butterflies? Is called a kaleidoscope!!! And those swallowtails or whatever are too gorgeous. One of the things I found shocking in the Netherlands was the size of the lily pads -- you could put a whole family of frogs plus several human children on them, it was surreal. Hot and sultry weather is apparently AMAZING for water flowers.

    1. Ooo, I like that! A kaleidoscope of magic.

      Yes, I stared at the showerhead-sized bud of those water plants for a long time.
