Wednesday, August 7, 2019

so, this was my day

For six years, I've done the lockdown drills with students and today was the first day I did it for reals. We were so very lucky that today had a peaceful ending.

Okay, now I have time for the full story on our campus. Around noon, we noticed a lot of helicopter noise, but with our proximity to the Pentagon and Langley, we kinda ignored it as we often hear military helicopters. Then, someone from an office across the hall popped her head in and told us to lock down.

I don't know if it's fortunate, but with all the drills I've gone through, we quickly got the school secured. The students were all still in classes, so I sent a note to all the teachers with a link of live updates. (FYI? Should you ever find yourself in something similar? The traffic twitter site will be your best source of information). 

Police pulled up and stood guard at our building's doors.

They told us to sit tight. By now students were out of class, plus they all had been getting alerts on their phones, so they knew they were not going anywhere. Luckily, we had lots of food leftover from our taco bar luncheon, so they had snacks and completely cleaned me out of chocolate that I have at the front desk.

They were finally cleared to go around 3:30.

I know there's already frothing commentary spewing around. But for now? I am grateful to be home and having dinner.


  1. Bleh.
    Remember in all the Little House or other country novels, where August was the month of mad dogs? And there'd always be some animal shot for frothing at the mouth, and everyone would be rattled.

    That's about where we are...

    1. I know that I am not alone is simply being *done* with this stupidity.
