Monday, August 5, 2019

random synchronicity

After the last few hours of news cycle, it was a delight to randomly hear from a high school classmate and to make plans for shenanigans. And then to arrive safely home (car is making ominous rattles again) to find a random note from a stranger with garden stickers enclosed. Fitting as I just harvested two teeny peppers from my balcony garden.

Gardens. Friendships that span decades. Friendships that are just starting. Small delights of beauty. These were the things to savor today.


  1. Ooh, those are cute.
    I also should say that the roses in the previous post are such a shade of peach that they should be edible. The height of summer always produces such glories, but we're generally too hot to enjoy them.

    1. Yes. I stand at the flower stall & debate about buying warm tones when it's so hot. But these were so gorgeous.
