Friday, August 9, 2019


Always bittersweet to say goodbye to a student. Meet Jona; she came to us last autumn from Albania and has been trying to get into college for the past 7-8 months. My fellow admin and I have spent hours and weeks helping her and she finally got accepted and is moving to Delaware to begin her next educational adventure in America. These few sentences cannot convey the miracle that this is with the financial hurdles she faced.

She has my email and has promised to invite me to her college graduation. So, with a sniff and a sigh and lots of chocolates and a Starbucks gift card, we sent her onwards.


  1. Wow, good for her... although I am crossing my fingers for her debt load. That's horrifying for Americans, I cannot imagine how hard paying for college would be if you're not from here!

    1. The good news is, she can legally work at the college. We don't have hours to offer students, and F-1 visa holders may work 20 hours per week at their school.

      So, between that and her cousin helping out, she should be fine for at least this community college portion of things.
