Saturday, July 19, 2014

little burbles

of joy in this bumpy week of car repair and vituperative managers.

Whimsical new socks arrived in the post.  (It's hard to see, but the packer from the company added fun doodles to the note.)

While living in San Francisco I ate mannnny pupusas (yes, go look them up~delish!), and despite Austin being a food mecca, I haven't found a place that serves them.  Was delighted to find vege ones in my co-op last week.  AND  I learned how to make the tangy cabbage that goes atop the tortillas.

One of the joys of my new place is being able to walk to so many venues and last night, I strolled through the (gasp) 70 degreed air to meet co-workers at a teeny Italian place. 


  1. WOW, seventies! The sky is graying up and clouds are piling. We are crossing fingers for rain. Meanwhile, the asparagus is all ferny and growing bright green! We won't be able to eat it until next summer, but it's purty. If the squirrels would stay out of it... ::sigh::

    1. It is really quite thoughtful of you to feed all the varmints in your 'hood!
