Tuesday, February 28, 2017

another saucy day

Since some chefs say that the Secret of Life is butter~think we're going to have a splendid day today! 

Making coconut nest cookies~as they put all the ingredients in all at once, they didn't turn out as we had hoped.  They still tasted good.

My flat eclairs~don't know why I'm having such bad luck with this recipe this week.  But, you can see the beginning of spritz dough in the background!

Caramel and raspberry sauces.

Our sugar fest.

Monday, February 27, 2017

enchanting etiquette

I finally drove 80 miles to get some bloody butane (yes, I could have ordered it from Amazon had I known that this backwaters didn't sell it.  Other than in cigarette lighter refill form), and we finished our creme brulees this morning.  I sprinkled some ginger sugar on mine~YUM!

This afternoon we were going to a colleague's home to do flower arranging, formal table settings, and general hospitality etiquette.

We did do some of that, but we were all so enamoured with her 18th century family farm that we spent most of our time chasing chickens, petting cows/dogs/cats, and wandering her property. 

A charming pond just outside what used to be an orchid room! 

A whimsical brunch setting.

I love old homes for all the nooks and crannies and built-in cabinetry.

The formal dining room.

The one section still had all the original walls and woodwork.

After seeing Food Inc the girls were thrilled to see happy, truly free-range chickens.

Sheba, singing to Andre the rooster.  I was fairly sure that she was going to bring him back to her dorm room.  She's from Indonesia and misses all her chickens from home.

And!  If our visit wasn't full and fun enough~we discovered that they also have bees. 

Such a lovely day.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Saturday night~pate a choux

Since I'm on duty tonight, decided to make pate a choux as I don't think we'll have time/space to make it next week and I want something homemade to serve our dessert sauces on (other than ice cream).

Melting butter always makes my heart happy.

Doing two shapes to show the possibilities for this pastry.

They didn't puff as well as they usually do, but that could be because we've had thunderstorms and tornado watches all afternoon.

I may try another batch tomorrow if it's as cool and dry as they predict.

Friday, February 24, 2017

the miracle of marzipan


Such a fun afternoon playing with marzipan and many colours!

the centerpieces for the craft tables!

This is the size of a quarter!


breadfruit from Indonesia

incredible detailing 

A pearl

real sized sesame seeds

My freakish penguin

As I horrified them all by making them watch Food, Inc. this morning, playing with dough in the sunshine was a good way to end our first week together.