Saturday, February 17, 2018


I feel lucky that the Aveda Institute where I get my hairs done is just a block away from the National Portrait Gallery and that I was able to go and see the Obama portraits that were unveiled last weekend. 

Whatever the opinion on style/artistry, there was a reverence and joyful tears in most of the people standing in the queues to see the portraits. 

Another new exhibit~I never did figure out what the sentence was saying as it scrolled around the tube. 

My favorite sculpture here~La Chandelle. (The painting makes me laugh as it looks like a cartoon character looking at the candle/window.)

Some fun graffiti for Valentines.

I never knew this! 

Dignity personified.


  1. It's still so fun to me that you got to see this in person!

    1. Looking forward to going back when the lines are shorter & I can stare longer!
