Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Had a lovely long hike on Saturday and spent some happy moments listening to this creek.

Cosy afternoon. 

And then, some of the largest snowflakes I've seen started drifting down.

I really do love snow~as long as I'm not having to commute in it.

Change is afoot. Again. My housemate is getting married and buying a home with her man, so I'm back to the house/job hunting cycle again.


  1. It's in the twenties here today, which is just kind of weird, and we had fluffy rain for a bit, but it seems to have passed... I suspect that there isn't within our working lives going to be that time when we settle in one place for fifteen or twenty years - but we'll continue to move across time's stream like people jumping from stone to stone. I know that where you've chosen to be is kind of tough, at this point, but I know you'll be able to make a nest elsewhere, and I look forward to the discoveries you'll find there. It is hard being brave with your life on a daily, weekly, monthly basis - but I have faith that your roaming will cease soon. And, when you can't hold that faith, we'll hold it for you.

    1. We're bouncing all over the thermometer. At least there's a wide variety in my clothing this week.

      As you've pointed out~the lily pads have always appeared as needed throughout the decades. Just a smidge weary of all the leaping.

      Bless you for holding the faith.
