Thursday, April 5, 2018


A cup of fresh Moroccan mint tea~such a kindness while I grade papers.  

Since this class has been working on their narrative essays, we needed a game break today. And were they creative in inventing new ways to play! I walked over to one game to find that they decided to turn the 'draw pile' letters face side up~to make it easier to find the ones they needed... 

The other group was helping themselves to their classmates letters. But we had a lot of fun and they learned some new vocab~and that's truly what matters to me.


  1. Good job using games to build vocab skills!

    1. It's fun and it keeps them engaged for an hour.

  2. Fresh mint tea - the leaves were green? That's always so nice, but to me, that's a summer drink. I shall have to try it hot.

    1. ...and I see they play Scrabble like my sibs used to do when they were small. So many "new" rules.

  3. My grandma grew so much mint~hung it to dry in her attic, so it's one of my favorite teas.

    And sigh. I think I ought to save my breath with the games and let them create their own rules to begin with!
