Sunday, April 29, 2018

why yes, it is another blossoming snap

But Spring is just so enticing and alluring this year, that the camera must come out.

Such sweetness and snuggles from the newest niece~as well as from the other Littles. Hard to believe the weekend is over~I barely blinked and Monday is arriving.


  1. You all really are having a gorgeous spring. It rained here this weekend - not in the forecast - and today it's overcast again, but I suspect this means I get more frogs and I'll take that, and the roses twining their way through the orange trees. (Suddenly we have VINES, and I'm confused by that; our bushes just... morphed. I was going to yank them out, actually; I think someone told them...)

  2. I had forgotten the BUG factor of driving along with the windows down & suddenly wasps & other flying things are partying I'm the back seat. Far too much excitement on the Beltway.
