Sunday, April 1, 2018

babbling April

Today's calendar page was to kick off National Poetry Month and the Easter season. It also included my dad winning an overnight trip to the hospital. The joy in that? Was the instantaneous outpouring of support from all over the map. Those candles of love/light are giving us buoyancy as we wait a clear diagnosis/prognosis.  


  1. We learned your dad was transported by ambulance ahead of his scheduled angiogram - in my experience of balloon stents, when needed they can be lifesaving. Praying your dad recovers without complications and has more energy as a result. Sorry this happened. Grateful it was expedited. Last news from your mom was after the procedure that seemed successful. Hugs to you too far to be at his side.

    1. I talked to him this morning~he was pretty excited that he gets to go home today!

  2. Hah - "winning" an overnight trip. The lottery you didn't know you'd joined, huh? You never do know, until you've "won." Here's to winning all the prizes, especially the ones which mean going home and not having any more pain.
