Tuesday, December 25, 2018

memories of merriment

Santa got stuck in the chimney.  

While I now have decades of cosy Christmas memories, today is going to be in one of the top five forever. J & I were awake a couple of hours before everyone else, so we just snuggles by the tree. I had coffee, he built some elaborate construction with geometric blocks and we talked.

While I got some thoughtful, and useful, and extravagant gifts~this group gift of fake snowballs is probably the best thing ever! We had at least one lively round of pelting each other while the baby stared in wonder at the madness over her head. 

Bulging stockings! My favorite part of Christmas. Outside of lefse. And carol singing.

The dawn.

Part of the carnage.

And then we needed to be amped up by the sugary goodness of Monkey Bread before round...four? five? I forget how many segment of gift openings we did.

The full carnage.

Sweetest little tote bag!


  1. I suspect Josh did the stem of his flower as well as the bloom. A very cute idea.
