Saturday, December 29, 2012

final dose of cute

Do you see what I see?

Using the candy cane.

'Ba-dum-dum....walk like a maaaaan, talk like a maaan'  apologies to Frankie Valli

Think this is one of the photos/glances where one can see what the adult man will look like.

Quiet joy of homemade cocoa with a peppermint stirrer.

 He LOVES his bath time--all kicks and giggles and shrieks.

And no, I took no nekkid bathing photos by which to embarrass him later--I'll leave that to his parents.  I think I can accomplish familial mortification by yelling: "There's my Joshie-Woshie" across any campus he's attending.

Hangin' out with another new toy.

It seems to be the latest thing to have crackly baby toys; have poked around on Google to see why this is, but haven't found out what it is.  Am sure there's some paper or research saying that the crackling does something miraculous for brain development.  I find it more tolerable than those awful shrill musical toys--from which I remove any/all batteries when I babysit.

 And here's the last batch of baby photos.  For now.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice collection of pictures. Enjoyed them very much.
