Sunday, December 2, 2012

it's beginning to look

 but not feel, like Christmas.  81 degrees today.  Wore flip-flops and a t-shirt to walk to the market. 

The City tree; I shall go back when it's lit and take some photos while walking.

 Care package ready for the post.

 Bits of beads & greenery create a welcome entrance to my place.

More greenery.

Advent wreath, readied for lighting tomorrow morning.

And delish snackage ready for the first viewing of Christmas movies.


  1. Honestly, I need you to come and decorate my house. I can't pull myself together to get anything like an Advent wreath done this year. It's a good thing that another branch of the altar committee is responsible for Christmas at church; we'd be rather sparse in there, if it were left up to me.

  2. This is literally one bunch of greens that I got for $3.99 at the market. I just cut them up into small bundles and dispersed them.
