Saturday, July 30, 2016

Forget that old woman nonsense; I shall wear purple. Here/now.

So cool that there was a gratitude journal in the waiting area at the Aveda school~I've kept one of my own since I was at Newbold.  (ye gads!  That's 28 years worth of daily writing.)

I was getting excellent radio reception.

Too bad I am not in that cool karaoke car with James Cordon.

Because.  Why the hell not do weird things to one's hair in the midst of massive life changes?


  1. It's always weird what lighting on a phone makes colors pop; you'd think it'd be brightest sunshine, but you did well taking these in the car! No point wishing my hair were lighter; nature is taking care of that rather speedily, so when I am an old woman, I shall go purple...

    1. I would think some metallic pink would show up nicely :)
