Saturday, March 16, 2019

corners, brightened

I've never seen a plant whose leaves sloughed off into slime. Since this was a rather jolting thing to find (and since it's still a leetle to cold to begin the balcony garden,) this weekend's goal was to find a houseplant or two.

I also came home with a pretty turquoise tray for my treasures.

Happy/healthy greenery. 

And the sweetest teeny tea cups also came home with me; yes, I realize it's many moons away until my nieces are old enough to handle these gently, but it's nice to dream of future things.

Nail polish is like socks/slippers; I rarely think of buying any of those items until they're worn to bits (or gloopy liquid, in the case of polish). And speaking of gloopy~in my continuing stepping into adulthood~I snaked my drain for the first time ever. When I don't have drains that lend themselves to sieves/screens, I get tired of pouring Drano down the pipes. So, voila. A plastic snake is now owned.

And now that lessons are taught and errands are run, it is time to sink into the sloth of a weekend.


  1. Ah, sounds like the pretty green pot needs better drainage; that's one of my besetting issues, too. Some gravel in the bottom of the pot between one and the other will help it not sit in water... and only watering every other week. It's hard, when the ceramic is so pretty!

    I need new polishes, too. I was thinking BLACK, but... ahem, maybe I should be looking all springlike and pastel. We'll see after Tuesday, when my hair is a new color what my "look" for the next while is meant to be. (I think she's going to color me winey purple... like, deep burgundy. Should be interesting.) (Also amusing: Jess wants to dye my mother's silver ...lavender into deep purple. My mother just looks at her pityingly.)

    1. Additionally, I have tray envy! That's so pretty.

    2. The pot has excellent drainage & the dirt was actually dry, so I'm baffled. It's an orchids pot so it should have been perfect. Ah well.

      I heart GW!
