Tuesday, March 12, 2019

it's the little things y'all

ADAFFODILBLOSSOM. What a gift. And of course the lovely frame and photo! Every time I see it I start humming one of my favorite songs~I love you, a bushel and a peck. A bushel and a peck, and hug around the neck."

Continuing this easing into adulthood~I got my first pair of tongs. Why I've not bought them before, I have no idea. But I'm tired of burning my fingers lifting crispy things out of my air fryer.  And for those of you who are going to point out that I could use a fork, I will answer that you try using a fork in a metal basket of holes.

A little loopy as I just finished a ten-hour work day, but very happy to have just talked to my aunt after her stent/balloon implant procedure.  My cousin was in good spirits and everyone is ready to be done with the hospital life.

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