Thursday, April 11, 2019

the familiar & the curious

Realized that I'm fully unpacked for the first time in almost two years, so it was fun to find these salt/pepper cuties from an aunt and allow them to be free-range chickie.

Guess I was enthusiastic when I tried some Egyptian gum this week; I thought it tasted like thyme. The student brought me a bag full~just for me today and I learned a bit about the">Mastic tree
. (I have NO idea why this hyperlink isn't working as it's the correct formula.) I took some to my conversation class~curious to see how other Middle Eastern/Mediterranean countries used it and found all kinds of uses.

Bad lighting, but I finally got a couple of bronzed planters to begin gardening! Again, for the first time since I left Texas. Home Depot didn't have any plants that inspired me to adopt them, so will continue the quest this weekend.


  1. Just saw a thing on mastic cream. It's ...stretchy? But apparently it's very traditional to someone.
