Wednesday, July 17, 2013

patty cake, patty cake, baker's man

Not sure why I'm having such a craving for baking.  In July.  But here it is.  These pinwheels did not turn out very prettily, but stuffed with 'shrooms and leeks and parm, they were still tasty.

In an attempt to save my herbs from the foraging feline, I got some special kitty grass (no, not the Austin kind) for Monsieur's palate.

He chowed down and as soon as I left the screen door open, he trotted right back out to the thyme patch.

And in honor of the torrents of the week, it seems appropriate to quote some Ogden Nash:

'The rain it raineth on the just
and also on the unjust fella,
but mostly on the just 
because the unjust steal the just's umbrella.'


  1. Had not read that Ogden Nash poem before. How clever!

    I find myself envying you the presence of Bogart. Still miss my Moca.

    1. Bogart has been such a great pet!

      And moving is a wonderful way to re-read all the books on one's shelves!!
