Saturday, May 13, 2017

chatting with Lincoln

Washington, George~standing guard over his university
Took an international student into DC this morning to connect with her mother who is is town for a short-term gig.  I was going to explore the Eastern Market~which is a bit like the Ferry Plaza in SF, but there was a lot of metro construction and it involved shuttle busses.  

Since it was a cool day, decided to just walk The Mall.

It was soothing to spend time with a president who was a thoughtful and steady leader.

Beauty even at the foot level.  This outing was good on so many levels~one of which is the bloody fire alarms going off for hours.  Every time it's damp or humid, they start looping.  SOOOOOO  glad that I have only twenty-five more nights to spend here.


  1. If that school can't fix their loopy fire alarm system, no wonder they can't afford to keep a talented teacher.

    1. Everyone's a little cranky in our building today!

  2. I got to watch, many, many times as workmen on hands and knees tapped those little cobblestones into place in Scotland - in Edinburgh, in Glasgow, and other wee towns. They're everywhere, and they're all the same; little squares of granite in pleasing shapes or sometimes just in lines. They are an absolute beast in heels on a rainy night, however... one learns rapidly to stick with Cuban heels or sturdy platforms...

    1. Tjey're fairly deadly in flats as well! But, oj so pretty.
