Sunday, May 28, 2017

magic & luck

Another weekend of endless fire alarms going off.  As if the girls weren't enough on edge for exam week, now they're shaking from industrial level of alarms.  Something about humid air triggers them~looking forward to living in a space of quiet.  Am a little cranky as I didn't get to bed until 3 and had to cancel today's fun outing to explore more of DC.

On the bright side, tomorrow's first appointment is at 12:30!


  1. In addition to sleep deprivation, people's reactions to smoke alarms similar to "crying wolf" - in that they won't take them seriously if needed. Sorry about the trip cancellation.

    1. We stopped taking it seriously last August.

  2. Coincidentally ran across How To Sleep just now. Was going to say, though, that you should have a listen to the Freakonomics 2-part podcast on the economics of sleep - some interesting health info in there (including that you can, to some extent, catch up on sleep). part 1 and part 2.

    1. I will be doing my best in the next few weeks to do just that.

  3. Alarms are the worst -- the WORST in a dormitory. I cannot imagine why, after all these years and people KNOWING WHY the alarms go off that they haven't replaced them!!! With a different kind!!!! How hard would that be!!!?

    1. Or maybe, just run the a/c enough so they don't go off??? I don't know, but we're all limp with the aftermath. Am glad that I'm outta here in a few days.
