Friday, August 24, 2018

an August koan

If I never had a summer break, am I allowed back-to-school supplies? 

The answer is~of course, silly. Those metallic pencils needed to come home with me today!

And since my broccoli/rice fritters did not remotely resemble these, I stole the photo from the internet. They were still delicious. Off to hear the last summer jazz at the National Sculpture Gardens. Happy weekend all y'all!


  1. I need to get some new markers - I actually have needed to for the past year, since when we moved here, I had to throw some out, which is a shock and a crime. I am down to watercolor pencils, but it's Just Not The Same. I've been holding off coloring a specific book because of this.

    But, now I need metallic ones...

    1. Go now!! The back to school sales are crazy. We're talking $.50 for markers!!!

      Just be sure to go early morning to avoid rabid mothers.
