Sunday, August 26, 2018

bucketing through the summer

Beautiful yards that I enjoy on my walks. 

At the end of May, I printed out this list from Pinterest~today's root beer floats brings me to checking half of the list off. Good thing I still have almost four weeks to squeeze a few more summery activities.


  1. I love root beer floats and have had some lately- home made, of course!

  2. A nice idea, but I think next summer you could make your own list. Surely carving one's name on a defenseless tree could be left off of most people's summer goals. Also, I tried playing on monkey bars... we're WAY too tall now, sadly. And I couldn't even do cartwheels when I was a kid. All in all, this list sounds like was written by someone who was a cheerleader or something. Grumpy kid lists include building a pillow fort and hiding in it when relatives arrive -- that's MY kind of summer.

    1. Yes~there are items on here that I won't do & others that I've done~professional baseball game/sailing/city jaunts. I just liked the colour/font on this list.

  3. I need a root beer float!

  4. I have five cans that won't be used...
