Monday, October 15, 2018

from the rising of the sun, to the setting

I've been out of the house~in the warm rain, so there really wasn't sun involved. But my pretty new notebook kicked off the day nicely.

Tortilla/salsa making happened today.

We did a corn salsa instead of tomato.

I'm tellin' ya~we need to run a food truck for ILA (International Language Academy)~it would be a hoot and a half.

After all of that, I sludged up to Bethesda for a very full evening of music lessons. Happy to say that my slate is completely full for Mondays! Now, if I could just have a helicopter for commuting, my life would be greatly improved.


  1. I hear drones will soon be available for transportation ;)

  2. Wow - your tortilla press is fancy! BTW, found a recipe for toaster oven meatloaf that you could try... although I'd use a vegetarian ground or Beyond Meat substitute from Safeway so EVERYONE could eat it. ( - oh, wait, do you guys have Safeway? Hm...

    Corn salsa sounds tasty just now.

    1. Yes, there's a Safeway just 'round the corner (called Randalls in the middle of the US).

      The press? Simple and inexpensive~AND works quickly.
