Saturday, June 30, 2018

my two cents

Quite literally found on my way to volunteer at yet another protect march. Sometimes I wonder if the protests actually affect policy, but the uplift from being around thousands of people~all ages/colours/languages~standing together to say no to evil and stupidity is needed.

The volunteers gathered Farragut Square to get divided into groups and get instructions.  

Once again, I met a group of fascinating people from all over. The story that resonated most was from a woman from the UK~she said that her in-laws escaped from Poland during WWII and say that the US currently feels like it did in Poland during the late 1930s.

There were several hundred protests across the country as well.

It was brutally hot~when I stopped sweating, I knew it was time to head inside. 

Two pennies is not much~but a pot of pennies is something amazing.

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