Sunday, November 27, 2016

bribery and rising strong

So much fun to watch the almost levitation level of excitement of the Littles and their Christmas tree.   

I knew it would take heavy bribery to get me to leave all of that, so I swung by a Trader's and got one box of these delicious treats.

I was so delighted to find a birthday book waiting for me at the post~Brene Brown's Rising Strong.  Thank you, Cali friends!  Exquisite timing. 

My illegal Christmas tree~it's right by a closet, should the fire inspector come.  But I truly don't care~this is my home~however temporary and I need the cheer.


  1. I still don't understand how ... a Christmas tree is problematic, but whatever.

    1. Does someone need to read Smokey the Bear again? Besides, if I burn down the place, I can move immediately! Voila.

  2. Have heard the book you got as a gift is good. Glad you have a tree - the fire dept. prob'ly has "other fires" to fight!
